Unique Identities
"Unique Identities” is a statewide professional development project for Aboriginal Artists and Arts Workers from regional NSW that builds the capacity and resilience of participants and inspires them to immerse themselves in the exploration of their own unique cultural identity.
Meet the Participants
Barbara Quayle
Brailey Smith
Jamie-Lea Trindall
Kez Taggart
Mark John Martyn
Peter Mackay
Robbie Hartigan
Ronda Sharpe
Tania Hartigan
Tiffany Ward
Project Elements
Mentoring & Professional Development
Participants are supported by the ARAA team with mentoring and professional development.
2 x 2 hour group Zoom sessions delivered per month that are co-designed with the participants to meet their needs.
These sessions will include topics such as how to map cultural resources, how to record sound and film, understanding ICIP and how to consult with the community.
Via Zoom
The project will be documented with the support of Indigico Creative who will:
Deliver training to participants on how to record sound and film.
Accompany the participants to Sydney to record the field trip.
Edit, render and export showcase videos for each participant from the content they have recorded.
Edit, render and export video that encapsulates the whole project.
Research & Development
The research and development stage will involve artists and arts workers working on country to:
undertake cultural mapping from their region.
engaging and consulting with knowledge holders, Elders and community.
researching the unique cultural practices from their region and exploring how to translate this into contemporary art practices.
R&D also includes a supported group professional development field trip to Sydney to visit institutions and archives such as Australia Museum, Maclay Museum and State Library to research, touch and explore artefacts and information that are specific to their region.
This process will all inform the final creative outcomes.
On Country & Sydney
Community and Creative Outcomes
Artists will draw from their research both on country and in Sydney to develop their own creative outcomes using their chosen practice/genre.
These outcomes will articulate own 'Unique Identity', as discovered through their research.
The final outcomes can be delivered in any method that is relevant to the participant, it could be an exhibition of new works, delivery of a resource book, a performance or even a blog or film.
The only stipulation is that their learnings must be shared with their community.