Register for the Weaving Gathering Name * First Name Last Name Email * Phone (###) ### #### Address Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Are you an Aboriginal Yinaar? Yes I am an Aboriginal Yinaar No, I am not an Aboriginal Yinaar Please tell us about your weaving experience What is you level of weaving experience? Beginner Weaver Intermediate Weaver Experienced Weaver I have never weaved before. Do you identify as someone with a disability ? * This question is for reporting purposes only. Yes No Prefer not to say Please detail any dietary requirements. * What Regional Arts Board Region do you reside in. * If you are not sure you can see the map on this link - Arts Mid North Coast Arts North West Arts Northern Rivers Arts OutWest Arts Upper Hunter Eastern Riverina Arts Murray Arts Orana Arts Outback Arts South Coast Arts South East Arts South West Arts Southern Tablelands Arts West Darling Arts Western Riverina Arts Have you participated in the online 'We Weave Together" Network sessions? * Yes No If accepted into the gathering, will you be paying your registration fee of $50 or someone else? * If someone else please provide a name, email, address and phone number. Please confirm that you have read the information pack and understand what is included in the registration fee and what you need to provide? * Yes No Please contact me I have questions. Will you be travelling with anyone else? What are their names? * Accommodation is shared, please let us know who you would like to share with. * Thank you!