Here Now & Always
“Here Now & Always” is a new initiative of the Aboriginal Regional Arts Alliance and is focused on celebrating, showcasing and marketing NSW Regional Aboriginal Arts and Culture to the world through an annual program of activities and culminating in a festival style online NSW Aboriginal Regional Arts Market that will be held in 2023.
ARAA have developed this event because we recognise that for Regional NSW Aboriginal Arts, there is a lack of adequate representation and opportunities. Our platform will be a strong foundation to challenge stereotypes, encourage discourse and provide access to high quality professional development. This will be accessible to the world and would be a primary vehicle for showcasing Aboriginal art and culture, serving as a means for worldwide exposure where the makers and receivers of the works come together in a special appreciation of the art.
Here, Now & Always will raise the profile of Regional Aboriginal Arts, support intergeneration cultural transmission, encourage product and market diversification and sustainable economic development. Our goal is that Here, Now & Always will become widely known as a place where Aboriginal Art and Culture meets the world by creating and using a digital platform for regional Aboriginal artists to connect and bridge geographical and access divides that will benefit careers of regional Aboriginal artists in NSW and expand audience reach and exposure.
Aboriginal artistry and connection to country will become a profound reminder and renewal where time meets tradition and innovation, allowing recognition of many generations of Aboriginal people whose culture and spirit is built upon to enhance our commitment to fostering emerging artists while always honouring those who have come before and paved the way while bringing Aboriginal Arts and Culture to the world by inspiring artistic excellence, fostering education and creating meaningful partnerships.
We are focused on the delivery of high level outcomes, Here, Now, Always will include diverse art and cultural experiences including individual artworks, artist interviews including different ways to “meet” the artist and hear about their practice, themed roundtable discussions, cinema experiences, individual and group performances and fashionable art through a virtual fashion parade.
Community Feedback
We would love to hear your thoughts and ideas about our model for Here, Now & Always. The link below provides a consultation powerpoint with further information, you can provide your thoughts through the feedback button.
Project Partners
Here Now & Always is only possible through the support of our partners.
Major Funding Body
Here Now & Always is supported by the NSW Government through Create NSW.
Major Partners
Contributing Partners